Interview with Ramazan Yıldırım Published in Moment Expo (Posted on: 09.12.2017)

An interview on MÜDEK titled We are Working for an Engineering Education with Quality is conducted with Prof. Dr. Ramazan Yıldırım , Chair of MÜDEK Executive Board, is published in the 113th issue dated October 2017 of Moment Expo, the monthly magazine of Machinery Exporters' Association. To download the interview in pdf, click here
Application Regulations for 2018-2019 Accreditation Cycle Determined (posted
on 04.12.2017) 
For the application regulations to MÜDEK accreditation in the 2018-2019 accreditation cycle, click here >>>>>. ATTENTION: Application deadline is January 31, 2018.
Accreditation Evaluation Fees for 2018-2019 Evaluation Cycle (posted
on 01.12.2017)
Upon the recommendation of Finance Committee, new accreditation
evaluation fees for those programs which will be evaluated in the
2018-2019 evaluation cycle are determined by the Executive Board at its
meeting numbered 2017-12 and dated 20.11.2017 as given in the following
Evaluation type |
Normal Education |
Second Education |
General Review(1) |
13.100 TL + VAT |
9.250 TL + VAT |
Interim Visit(2) |
9.250 TL + VAT |
9.250 TL + VAT |
Interim Report(2) |
6.750 TL + VAT |
6.750 TL + VAT |
Show Cause Visit(3) |
9.250 TL + VAT |
9.250 TL + VAT |
Show Cause Report(3) |
6.750 TL + VAT |
6.750 TL + VAT |
(1) Initial evaluation programs or periodic evaluation of programs with accreditation, usually conducted every 5 years.
(2) Evaluation of programs which were given a short term accreditation after their general review in their previous evaluation.
(3) Evaluation of programs which were given a 1-year accreditation
after their general or interim review in their previous evaluation.
Filiz Dilek Attending UCTEA Engineering, Architecture, and City Planning Education Symposium (Posted on 29.11.2017)
Filiz Bengü Dilek , Vice-Chair of MÜDEK-MAK, will be attending and making a presentation as MÜDEK representative at the UCTEA (The Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects) Engineering, Architecture, and City Planning Education Symposium to be held in Ankara on December 22-23, 2017.
Ramazan Yıldırım and Bülent Özgüler Attended 34th Engineering Deans Council Meeting (posted on 28.11.2017)
Ramazan Yıldırım , Chair of MÜDEK Executive Board and A. Bülent Özgüler , MÜDEK-MAK Chair attended as MÜDEK representatives to the 34th MDK (Engineering Deans Council) meeting held at Balıkesir University in Balıkesir on November 24-25, 2017 and made a joint presentation (in Turkish) in the morning session on November 24, 2017.
MÜDEK Workshop for Student Evaluator Candidates (posted on 25.11.2017)
MÜDEK workshop for training candidates of MÜDEK student program evaluator is held at MÜDEK Headquarters in İstanbul on November 11, 2017 (Saturday).
Ten invited students are participated in the workshop as student
program evaluator candidates in different engineering disciplines from
various universities.
Click here for the workshop page in Turkish. >>>>>
MÜDEK Workshop for Program Evaluators (posted on

MÜDEK workshop for training candidates of MÜDEK program evaluator is held in İstanbul on October 28-29, 2017 (Saturday-Sunday).
Fifteen invited individuals are participated in the workshop as program
evaluator candidates and senior evaluators in different engineering
disciplines from various institutions and companies.
Click here for the workshop page in Turkish. >>>>>
ENAEE 10th Aniversary Book Published (Posted on 26.10.2017)

ENAEE 10th Aniversary Book is published in the ENAEE
web site last week. The book covers the establishment and first 10
years of ENAEE. Printed copies of the book are circulated in the 1st ENAEE Members Forum meeting held in Leuven, Begium on October 18-19, 2017. Editors of the book are MÜDEK Advisory Board member Erbil Payzın
(coordinator), Giuliano Augusti, Pierre Compte, Ian Freeston, and
Günter Heitmann. The book can be downloaded from any of the following
ENAEE web site / MÜDEK web site
Birgül Tantekin-Ersolmaz to Attend ENAEE General Assembly Meeting (Posted on 03.10.2017)

Birgül Tantekin-Ersolmaz ,
member of MÜDEK Advisory Committee and MÜDEK Representative in the
European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education ENAEE will attend as MÜDEK representative to the ENAEE General Assembly meeting to be held in Brussels, Belgium on November 21, 2017.
Birgül Tantekin-Ersolmaz to Attend ENAEE Administrative Board Meeting (Posted on 03.10.2017)

Birgül Tantekin-Ersolmaz ,
member of MÜDEK Advisory Committee and MÜDEK Representative in the
European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education ENAEE will attend ENAEE-AC (Administrative Council) meeting to be held in Brussels, Belgium on November 20, 2017.
Engin Arıkan to Attend EEMKON2017 Meeting (Posted on 03.10.2017)

Member of MÜDEK Executive Board
Engin Arıkan
will attend as MÜDEK representative to the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Congress (EEMKON 2017) to be held in İstanbul, Turkey on November 16-18, 2017 and will make a presentation.
Criteria Committee Members Appointed
(Posted on 02.10.2017)
MÜDEK Criteria Committee is renewed by the MÜDEK Executive
Board at its meeting dated 09.09.2017 and numbered 2017-11. Following
members will serve a 2-year term in the committee starting from
30.06.2017 until 30.06.2019.
Continuous Improvement Committee Members Appointed
(Posted on 02.10.2017)
MÜDEK Continuous Improvement Committee is renewed by the
MÜDEK Executive Board at its meeting dated 09.09.2017 and numbered
2017-11. Following members will serve a 2-year term in the committee
starting from 30.06.2017 until 30.06.2019.
MÜDEK Representatives to Attend 1st ENAEE Members Forum Meeting (Posted on 29.09.2017)

Chair of Executive Board Ramazan Yıldırım , Vice-Chair of Executive Board Müjgan Sağır and Members of Advisory Committee Birgül Tantekin-Ersolmaz ,
Timur Doğu and Erbil Payzın of MÜDEK will attend, as MÜDEK representatives, 1st ENAEE Members Forum Meeting to be held in Leuven, Belgium between October 18-19, 2017.
Bülent Özgüler Attended Presentation Meeting of Turquas Project
(posted on 04.08.2017)
MÜDEK-MAK Chair A. Bülent Özgüler attended as MÜDEK representative to the introductory meeting of Turquas Project targeted to agencies conducting program accreditation held at YÖK on August 03, 2017.
New MÜDEK Members (posted on 04.08.2017)
Applications of Zeki Ayağ, Coşkun Köse and Taner Okan, who have
been serving as MÜDEK volunteers, to become members of MÜDEK
Association are accepted by MÜDEK Executive Board at its meeting on
July 01, 2017. We welcome them for extending their contributions to
MÜDEK as "MÜDEK members".
MÜDEK's Washington Accord Signatory Status Extended Until 2023 (posted on 19.07.2017)
MÜDEK's Washington Accord
signatory status is extended until June 2023 for 6 years in accordance
with the proposal of the Washington Accord Periodic Evaluation Team at
the Washington Accord meeting held in Anchorage, USA on June 21, 2017. Click for the extension letter.
List of Accredited Programs for 2017
(posted on 01.07.2017)
The list of programs accredited by MÜDEK for the year 2017 is updated and published as of July 01, 2017.
Memorandum to Inform MÜDEK Constituents (posted on 02.06.2017)
A memorandum is issued on May 30, 2017 in order to inform MÜDEK
constituents about some important points and quality improvement
studies under the light of experiences gained by evaluations performed
in past 15 years and the applications of new version of MÜDEK Criteria for Evaluating Bachelor Engineering (Version 2.1.1-11.03.2016),
which were prepared with the contributions of all MÜDEK constituents
and have been in use since 2015-2016 aevaluation cycle. To download the
Turkish version of the memorandum, click here >>>>>
MÜDEK General Assembly Held (posted on 11.05.2017)
MÜDEK 2017 General Assembly was held at the location and time
announced earlier on April 29, 2017 Saturday. Since the quorum had not
been reached in the first meeting, this second meeting was held without
considering the quorum as announced. There were 22 participants as
MÜDEK members in the meeting. As a result of the elections, Executive
Board and Auditing Board for the 2017-2019 period were formed as
* Executive Board has held its first meeting right after the General Assembly meeting to assign the positions within the Board. **
Substitute members were determined according to the number of votes
taken; in case of equal votes they are ordered according to results of
the draw.
*** Members are given in the order of votes that they have taken; in
case of equal votes they are ordered according to results of the draw.
We thank to board members of the previous period for their devoted and
successful service and wish a successful term to newly elected members
of the boards.
MÜDEK Operational Regulations Updated (posted on 08.05.2017)
The document MÜDEK Operational Regulations is updated as Version 1.6 (in Turkish) at the meeting of MÜDEK General Assembly held on April 29, 2017 and published.
MÜDEK Directives on Nominated Committee and Training Committee Updated (posted on 08.05.2017)
The documents
- MÜDEK Directive on Nominated Committee Version 2.0 (in Turkish)
- MÜDEK Directive on Training Committee Version 2.0 (in Turkish)
are updated at the meeting of MÜDEK Executive Board held on April 29, 2017 and published.
MÜDEK Workshops for Institutions (posted on 07.04.2017)

Two MÜDEK workshops will be held in 2017 for
administrators and faculty members of those engineering programs
intending to apply for MÜDEK evaluation or planning to make
improvements in their programs according to MÜDEK criteria; one in İstanbul and another in Ankara.
Since both workshops will have identical programs, participants are
advised to apply to one of them according to their date and city
It is necessary to preregister to these workshops by April 17, 2017,
the latest, due to the limited number of participants for each
workshop. Participants will be selected according to their
preregistration order.
Information on workshops including preregistration can be reached from the following workshop calls:
Erbil Payzın Attending Panel on Quality in Engineering Education (posted on 29.03.2017)
Erbil Payzın , Chair of MÜDEK Advisory Board will attend as MÜDEK representative the panel on Quality in Engineering Education to be held on April 04, 2017 as an activity of 50th Anniversary of Faculty of Engineering of Fırat University in Elazığ, Turkey. Click here for panel presentation >>>>>
Ramazan Yıldırım Attending 33rd Engineering Deans Council Meeting (posted on 22.03.2017)
Ramazan Yıldırım
, Chair of MÜDEK Executive Board will be attending as MÜDEK
representative to the 33rd MDK (Engineering Deans Council) meeting to be held at
YÖK (Higher Education Council) and
Başkent University in Ankara on March 28, 2017, Tuesday and will
deliver a presentation titled MÜDEK: General Information and Recent Developments (in Turkish) in the afternoon session.
New MÜDEK Members (posted on 09.03.2017)
Applications of Müjgan Sağır, Fuat Tiniş, and Deniz Dölgen, who
have been serving as MÜDEK volunteers, to become members of MÜDEK
Association are accepted by MÜDEK Executive Board at its meeting on
February 25, 2017. We welcome them for extending their contributions to
MÜDEK as "MÜDEK members".
MÜDEK General Assembly (posted on 06.03.2017)

MÜDEK 2017 General Assembly will meet at Seminar Hall of TTGV İstanbul
Representetive, ARI Teknokent, ARI 2 Binası A Blok Floor 7, İTÜ Ayazağa Campus at 14:00 hours on
April 15, 2017, Saturday, if no quorum is reached then on
April 29, 2017 Saturday with the same agenda at the same place and the same time.
- Opening and moment of silence
- Election of Chairing Board
- Discussion and acceptance of the agenda and its amendments
- Presentation, discussion, and acceptance of Executive Board activity
report for the past term, financial balance and income-expense tables for
- Presentation, discussion, and acceptance of Auditing Board report
- Acquittal of Executive Board
- Decision on membership fees for 2018
- Discussion and acceptance of budget proposal for 2017
- Presentation of budget proposals for 2018 and 2019
- Election of 5 principal and 5 substitute members of Executive Board
- Election of 3 principal and 3 substitute members of Auditing Board
- Wishes
- Closure
MÜDEK Extended Executive Board Meeting (posted on 25.02.2017)
An extended Executive Board meeting of MÜDEK is held at the MÜDEK
Headquarters on February 25, 2017 with the participation of members of
Auditing Board and Advisory Board as well as MAK Chair, Secretary
General, and Office Manager. In the meeting, it is decided to form a
working group for each leading topic that is designated as in need for
improvement and a person in charge is appointed for each such working
group. The work and results of each working group will be shared with
MÜDEK members.
Bülent Özgüler and Yavuz Erçil to Attend IEA - Washington Accord Meeting (posted on 08.02.2017)
A. Bülent Özgüler , Chair of MÜDEK-MAK and Yavuz Erçil , MÜDEK Secretary General will be attending as MÜDEK representatives to the IEA (International Engineering Alliance) Meeting of Washington Accord, which will be held in Anchorage, Alaska, U.S.A. on June 19-23, 2017.
MÜDEK Workshop for Student Evaluator Candidates (posted on 04.02.2017)

MÜDEK workshop for training candidates of MÜDEK student program evaluator is held at MÜDEK Headquarters in İstanbul on January 28, 2017 (Saturday).
Six invited students are participated in the workshop as student
program evaluator candidates in different engineering disciplines from
various universities.
Click here for the workshop page in Turkish. >>>>>
MÜDEK Workshop for Program Evaluators (posted on 25.01.2017)
MÜDEK workshop for training candidates of MÜDEK program evaluator is held in Ankara on January 21-22, 2017 (Saturday-Sunday).
Thirteen invited individuals are participated in the workshop as
program evaluator candidates and senior evaluators in different
engineering disciplines from various institutions and companies.
Click here for the workshop page in Turkish. >>>>>
Birgül Tantekin-Ersolmaz Attending ENAEE-AC Standing Committee Meeting (posted on 23.01.2017)
Birgül Tantekin-Ersolmaz, member of MÜDEK Advisory Board and MÜDEK's representative at ENAEE (European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education) will be attending the Administrative Council Standing Committee meeting of ENAEE to be held in Brussels, Belgium on January 30-31, 2017.
MAK Members for the 2017-2018 Term (posted
on 01.01.2017)
Following members of MÜDEK MAK (Engineering Programs Accreditation
Board) for 2017-2018 years started their terms of service as of
- A. Bülent Özgüler
, (Chair), Prof. Dr., University Representative
- Filiz B. Dilek
, (Vice Chair), Prof. Dr., University Representative
- Orhan B. Alankuş
, (Past Chair), Prof. Dr., Industry Representative
- Şebnem Baydere
, (Member), Prof. Dr., University Representative
- M. Necat Özgür
, (Member), Industry Representative
- Müjgan Çulfaz
, (Member), Prof. Dr., University Representative
- Mehmet Soğancı
(Member), TMMOB Representative
- Berçin Gün
, (Member) KalDer Representative
MAK services of Timur Doğu
who served 4 terms since 2009 as MAK member, MAK Vice-Chair, MAK Chair, and MAK Past Chair, respectively, of Müfit Gülgeç who served 3 terms since 2011 as TMMOB representative, and of
Aykut Alp Yılmaz
who served 2 terms since 2013 as KalDer representative ended as of
December 31, 2016. Thanks go to them for their very precious services.
Wishing a productive and successful term to the new MAK team.
Last Updated:
January 01, 2021
@ MÜDEK 2007-2024 - All rights reserved |
Cevizli Mah. Tugay Yolu Cad. Ofisim Istanbul A Blok No:20 Kat:9, Maltepe, 34846 Istanbul, Turkey, +90-216-606-0592, infos@mudek.org.tr |
Web Hosting:
daha.net |