B.Sc. degree in Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering Dept, METU in 1984, and M.Sc. Degree in Geothermal Energy in 1987. She joined IBM Turk in Istanbul in 1988 as a Systems Engineer after having several technical-sales roles, management roles, and assignment in Italy for Regional Sales role during 2002-2004, she was back and appointed as Manager of ibm.com Sales Organization. She volunteerly established University Relations, Corporate Citizenship and Corporate Affairs organizations and led these groups since then. She worked on several curriculum assessment studies in universities, announced joint Master Degree programs with several universities such as Bahcesehir University, Sabancı University, Sehir University, Atilim University and several courses in Yildiz Technical University, Bilkent University, METU, Ozyegin University, ITU, Isik University, etc. She participated in IBM Corporate Service Corporation program and spent 1 month in Concepcion, Chile in 2011, to develop a marketing and communication strategy for Accion Emprendedora, a non-profit organization for micro entreprenership program to recruit more volunteers, mentors, enterpreneurs, and fund raising. She retired from IBM after 28 years as Manager of Ecosystem Development in Turkey. She is a freelance consultant. She is selected as Advisory Board Member for Tam Bilisim recently. As a lifetime learner, she likes to serve as thought leader for several volunteer activities to improve society, mainly on Education.