Four Year First Cycle (B.S.) Programs Accredited by MÜDEK (as of 01 October 2011)
For more recent list as of 30 June 2012, click here >>>>>
Of years [given inside brackets] the first one shows the initial year
of accreditation given and the second one shows the year that
accreditation ends, all referring to the
graduation years.
MÜDEK became a Signatory of Washington Accord in 2011.
Of years {given inside braces} in italics the first one shows the initial year of EUR-ACE Label awarded and the second one shows its expiration year, all referring to the graduation years.
MÜDEK is authorized to issue EUR-ACE Label as of 2009.
The starting date of all accreditations and EUR-ACE Labels is 01
May of the initial year of accreditation and their termination date is
30 September of the ending year of accreditation.
NE: Indicates Normal Education (day classes) programs accredited if both Normal Education and Second Education exist.
SE: Indicates Second (evening classes) Education programs accredited if both Normal Education and Second Education exist.
Those programs without any (NE) or (SE) modifier are Normal Education programs with no Second Education programs.
Anadolu University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
Computer Engineering [2009-2014] ; {2009-2014}
Environmental Engineering [2009-2014] ; {2009-2014}
Electrical and Electronics Engineering [2009-2014] ; {2009-2014}
Civil Engineering [2009-2014] ; {2009-2014}
Chemical Engineering [2009-2014] ; {2009-2014}
Materials Science and Engineering [2009-2014] ; {2009-2014}
Ankara University, Faculty of Engineering
Computer Engineering [2011-2013] ; {2011-2013}
Food Engineering [2008-2010], [2011-2013] ; {2011-2013}
Geological Engineering [2006-2013] ; {2009-2013}
Chemical Engineering [2004-2010], [2011-2013] ; {2011-2013}
Atatürk University, Faculty of Engineering
Environmental Engineering (NE) [2008-2013] ; {2010-2013}
Environmental Engineering (SE) [2008-2013] ; {2010-2013}
Civil Engineering (NE) [2008-2013] ; {2010-2013}
Civil Engineering (SE) [2008-2013] ; {2010-2013}
Chemical Engineering (NE) [2008-2013] ; {2010-2013}
Chemical Engineering (SE) [2008-2013] ; {2010-2013}
Mechanical Engineering (NE) [2008-2013] ; {2010-2013}
Mechanical Engineering (SE) [2008-2013] ; {2010-2013}
Bülent Ecevit University*, Faculty of Engineering
Mining Engineering [2009-2014] ; {2009-2014}
Celal Bayar University, Faculty of Engineering
Food Engineering (NE) [2009-2012] ; {2009-2012}
Civil Engineering (NE) [2009-2012] ; {2009-2012}
Mechanical Engineering (NE) [2009-2012] ; {2009-2012}
Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Engineering
Computer Engineering [2009-2014] ; {2009-2014}
Environmental Engineering [2005-2013] ; {2011-2013}
Electrical and Electronics Engineering [2007-2013]
Industrial Engineering [2009-2014] ; {2009-2014}
Civil Engineering (NE) [2007-2013] ; {2009-2013}
Civil Engineering (SE) [2007-2013] ; {2009-2013}
Geophysical Engineering [2007-2013] ; {2009-2013}
Geological Engineering [2005-2013] ; {2011-2013}
Mining Engineering [2007-2013] ; {2009-2013}
Mechanical Engineering (NE) [2005-2013] ; {2009-2013}
Mechanical Engineering (SE) [2011-2013]
; {2011-2013}
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering [2007-2013]
Textile Engineering [2009-2014] ; {2009-2014}
Ege University, Faculty of Engineering
Computer Engineering [2006-2013] ; {2011-2013}
Electrical and Electronics Engineering [2008-2013] ; {2010-2013}
Food Engineering [2006-2013] ; {2011-2013}
Civil Engineering [2010-2012] ; {2010-2012}
Chemical Engineering [2006-2013] ; {2011-2013}
Mechanical Engineering [2008-2013] ; {2010-2013}
Textile Engineering [2006-2013] ; {2011-2013}
Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
Chemical Engineering [2010-2012] ; {2010-2012}
Fırat University, Faculty of Engineering
Computer Engineering (NE) [2011-2013] ; {2011-2013}
Environmental Engineering (NE) [2011-2013] ; {2011-2013}
Electrical and Electronics Engineering (NE) [2006-2013] ; {2011-2013}
Electrical and Electronics Engineering (SE)
[2011-2013] ; {2011-2013}
Civil Engineering (NE) [2006-2013] ; {2011-2013}
Civil Engineering (SE) [2006-2013] ; {2011-2013}
Geological Engineering [2006-2013] ; {2011-2013}
Chemical Engineering [2006-2013] ; {2011-2013}
Mechanical Engineering (NE) [2006-2013] ;
Mechanical Engineering (SE) [2011-2013] ;
Gazi University, Faculty of Engineering
Electrical and Electronics Engineering [2004-2012] ; {2010-2012}
Industrial Engineering (NE) [2004-2012] ; {2010-2012}
Industrial Engineering (SE) [2004-2012] ; {2010-2012}
Civil Engineering [2004-2012] ; {2010-2012}
Chemical Engineering (NE) [2004-2012] ; {2010-2012}
Chemical Engineering (SE) [2004-2012] ; {2010-2012}
Mechanical Engineering (NE) [2004-2012] ; {2010-2012}
Mechanical Engineering (SE) [2004-2012] ; {2010-2012}
Gaziantep University, Faculty of Engineering
Electrical and Electronics Engineering (NE) [2009-2012] ; {2009-2012}
Food Engineering (NE) [2009-2014] ; {2009-2014}
İzmir Institute of Technology, Faculty of Engineering
Chemical Engineering [2011-2016]
; {2011-2016}
Mechanical Engineering [2011-2013] ; {2011-2013}
Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Engineering
Computer Engineering (NE) [2010-2012] ; {2010-2012}
Electrical and Electronics Engineering (NE) [2010-2012] ; {2010-2012}
Geomatics Engineering (NE) [2010-2012] ; {2010-2012}
Civil Engineering (NE) [2008-2013] ; {2010-2013}
Geophysical Engineering (NE) [2010-2012] ; {2010-2012}
Geological Engineering (NE) [2010-2012] ; {2010-2012}
Mining Engineering (NE) [2010-2012] ; {2010-2012}
Mechanical Engineering (NE) [2008-2013] ; {2010-2013}
Sakarya University, Faculty of Engineering
Computer Engineering [2010-2012] ; {2010-2012}
Environmental Engineering (NE) [2010-2012] ; {2010-2012}
Environmental Engineering (SE) [2010-2012] ; {2010-2012}
Electrical and Electronics Engineering (NE) [2010-2015] ; {2010-2015}
Electrical and Electronics Engineering (SE) [2010-2015] ; {2010-2015}
Industrial Engineering (NE) [2010-2012] ; {2010-2012}
Industrial Engineering (SE) [2010-2012] ; {2010-2012}
Civil Engineering (NE) [2010-2012] ; {2010-2012}
Civil Engineering (SE) [2010-2012] ; {2010-2012}
Geophysical Engineering (NE) [2010-2012] ; {2010-2012}
Geophysical Engineering (SE) [2010-2012] ; {2010-2012}
Mechanical Engineering (NE) [2010-2012] ; {2010-2012}
Mechanical Engineering (SE) [2010-2012] ; {2010-2012}
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (NE) [2010-2012] ; {2010-2012}
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (SE) [2010-2012] ; {2010-2012}
Selçuk University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
Environmental Engineering [2006-2013] ; {2011-2013}
Electrical and Electronics Engineering [2006-2013] ; {2011-2013}
Industrial Engineering [2011-2013] ; {2011-2013}
Geomatics Engineering** (NE) [2008-2013] ; {2010-2013}
Geomatics Engineering** (SE) [2008-2013] ; {2010-2013}
Geological Engineering (NE) [2008-2013] ; {2010-2013}
Geological Engineering (SE) [2008-2013] ; {2010-2013}
Mechanical Engineering (NE) [2011-2013] ; {2011-2013}
Mechanical Engineering (SE) [2011-2013] ; {2011-2013}
Süleyman Demirel University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
Mechanical Engineering (NE) [2011-2013] ; {2011-2013}
Mechanical Engineering (SE) [2011-2013] ; {2011-2013}
Yeditepe University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
Computer Engineering [2008-2013]
Electrical and Electronics Engineering [2008-2013]
Genetics and Bioengineering [2010-2012] ; {2010-2012}
Chemical Engineering [2008-2013]
Mechanical Engineering [2008-2013]
Systems Engineering [2010-2015] ; {2010-2015}
Yıldız Technical University, Faculty of Electrical and Electronics
Computer Engineering [2011-2013] ; {2011-2013}
Electrical Engineering (NE) [2011-2013] ; {2011-2013}
Electrical Engineering (SE) [2011-2013] ; {2011-2013}
Electronics and Communication Engineering [2011-2013] ; {2011-2013}
Yıldız Technical University, Faculty of Civil Engineering
Environmental Engineering [2009-2014] ; {2009-2014}
Civil Engineering (NE) [2007-2013] ; {2009-2013}
Civil Engineering (SE) [2007-2013] ; {2009-2013}
Geodesy and Photogrammetry Engineering (NE) [2007-2013] ; {2009-2013}
Geodesy and Photogrammetry Engineering (SE) [2007-2013] ; {2009-2013}
Yıldız Technical University, Faculty of Chemistry and Metallurgy
Chemical Engineering [2009-2014] ; {2009-2014}
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (NE) [2009-2014] ; {2009-2014}
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (SE) [2009-2014] ; {2009-2014}
* Before 11.04.2012 Zonguldak Karaelmas University (April 24, 2012 update)
** Before 2009 Geodesy and Photogrammetry Engineering